Hudson Hornet. Life In Bumble County.

Hudson Hornet. Life In Bumble County.


Hudson Hornet.

The Lullaby Collection.

A set of 11”x17”, frame-able, Poster Prints of Hudson’s Painting, Poem & Lullaby sheet music.

Hudson Hornet

Built A Fort &

Watched A Scary Movie There…

He Invited All His Brothers,

& It Gave Them Quite A Scare…

So They Crawled In Bed With Mama,

She Gave Kisses & A Prayer…

That They Would Have Sweet Bee Dreams,

& Tucked Them In The Covers There.


Hudson’s Lullaby.


If We had wings... if We could fly
Up to the clouds, we’d land each night
We’d dance and sing, sweet lullabies
If we had wings... if we could fly

If we could swim the ocean deep
The fishes there, would know where to peek
We’d swim w mermaids... & Tritan Kings
If we could swim the ocean deep.

If we could cross the mountains wide
& find out what’s on the other side
The mighty ocean might be in sight
If we could cross the mountains wide

If we could climb that mountain high
& reach our arms up into the sky
Like an eagle. We’d soar and fly
If we could climb that Moutan high

Please take me with you where you go
I’m in you’re heart, I’m in your soul
I’m in the mountains, and the ocean deep
I’m with you now... and will always be.

Painting, Poem & Lullaby by BSchlegel

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